My thoughts
Fang, Max, Iggy, Gazzy, Nudge , and Angel are on the move again. This is the second book of the Maximum Ride series, by James Patterson.
The story starts out with them flying into the new and improved erasers that are headed by a big shocking somebody , that I can not say the name of. I think this sets the whole tone for the story. It draws you in and starts the show just glimpses of what might happen. It shows some suspense, and that's in the first ten pages.
This book can get a little slow in parts; though, not many people would say that because of all the action going on. It's just that all the fight scenes were like replica's of one another. Erasers show up one go's after fang, or max and the six other erasers go swarm the other kids. then the winged kids win fly off and go back to what they were thinking about before they were attacked. That drove me to the point of insanity, so I skipped over the fighting unless I got confused witch didn't happen much.
Okay besides
all the fight scenes being identical to each other I didn't have a problem with the story. One thing I liked about the book was you got to see how they react and think when they are around normal people. They don't think like teenagers. They first day of school they can't even tell if people are being nice or mean to them. witch is all kinds of sad. Max go's on her first date, but is hugely interrupted. There is also something brewing between max and fang, so I am totally happy about that. witch reminds me you get to see fang get into the action a lot more in this book.
In the first book you only see what Max is thinking, and that still true; although, in this book you see a lot more of the other characters and see what they want. They focus on finding there parents and staying safe, but they don't that there actually in a lot of danger just by staying were they are. Max decides staying with agent is a good idea, so that they can heal and then they would be there way. What she doesn't suspect is that the kids would become fond with staying in a house, and going to school like normal kids. This bugs me to because max was all about keeping them safe first, and happy later. She is still hurt by Jeb's betrayal, and it makes her turn soft. this gets them into a lot of trouble. If I was on the run my entire life, and lived one way. If I worked hard to keep it that way then I would not falter just because I was hurt. Witch means neither should Max she's stronger than me.
I give this book 4 stars, and highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a good action filled book.