Birth Marked Review

Publisher : Square Fish; d edition
Published :  October 11, 2011
Page Count : 361
Series : Birth Marked (Book 1)
First Line : In the dim hovel, the mother clenched her body into one final, straining push, and the baby slithered out into Gaia's ready hands.
In the future, in a world baked dry by the harsh sun, there are those who live inside the wall and those, like sixteen-year-old midwife, Gaia Stone, who live outside. Gaia has always believed it is her duty, with her mother, to hand over a small quota of babies to the Enclave. But when Gaia’s mother and father are arrested by the very people they so dutifully serve, Gaia is forced to question everything she has been taught to believe. Gaia’s choice is now simple: enter the world of the Enclave to rescue her parents, or die trying.
My review
Birth Marked by Caragh M. O'Brien was a thrilling mystery. O'Brien draws you into the story making it hard to put the book down for the most part. Along the way I did come upon a few pages where I just got bored of reading because all the character were doing is sitting around, but that was only for a few pages. Another thing that I was not okay with in this book is the cliffhanger at the end. I was so mad and sad that I wanted to yell at the author, but that was before I realized that Birth Marked is a trilogy not a single. My advise is before you read this book get the others so you don't have to wait to continue. That being said I loved the action and the mystery as Gaia unravels her fathers code, and I also enjoyed the slight and subtle love story that intertwines with the mystery.
I would give this book 3.5 stars for its mystery, action, and love.