publisher :Disney Hyperion
published : October 26, 2010
Page count: 273
Series : Blue Blood
First line: Schuyler Van Alen walked as quickly as she could up the polished brass spiral leading to the upper deck.
After inheriting the dark Van Alen Legacy, Schuyler fled to Florence--with her forbidden love, Jack. Now the two of them must embark on the mission Schuyler was destined to complete: to find and protect the seven gates that guard earth from Lucifer, lord of the Silverbloods. As the Blue Blood enclave weakens yet further, fate leads Schuyler closer to a terrifying crossroads--and a choice that will determine the destiny of all vampires.
My Review:
Finally. I was so happy with this book. I had almost given up hope on this series because it was moving so slow. In the past four books you could tell that the story was going somewhere, but somehow it just seemed to be dragging like the author didn't know how to get her point across. In this book things start to happen, and you start to see the characters real personality. Things start to happen it finally seems like you will learn the end. I'm glad I didn't give up on this series before I read this book. I give Misguided angel by Melissa De La Cruz four stars. Just because I like it doesn't mean I love it.