White cat

 WHITE CAT                                                                     Published: February 8, 2011 
Publisher: McElderry Books (Simon & Schuster)
Format: Paperback Reprint
Page Count: 310 pages
Source: Barnes and Noble
Series: Curse Workers, #1
First Line: "I wake up barefoot, standing on cold slate tiles."


           Cassel comes from a family of curse workers- people who have the power to change your emotions, your memories, your luck, by the slightest touch of their hand. since curse work is illegal, they're all criminals. But not Cassel. He  hasn't got the magic touch, so he's an outsider- the straight kid in a crooked family- as long as you ignore one small detail; he killed his best friend, Lila. Now he is sleepwalking, propelled into the night by terrifying dreams about a white cat. He also notices that his brothers are keeping secrets from hi. As Cassel begins to suspect he's part of a huge con game, he must unravel his past and his memories. To find out the truth, Cassel will have to outcon the conman.

          I give this book three stars because its a good book that I like to read, but not something I would read over and over again. This book starts out with a thrilling suspense from the get go. To tell you the truth this isn't usually the type book I would read, so I was genuinely surprised I liked it as much as I did. If I had usually enjoyed books like this I may have given four stars. This book isn't exactly full of action but it doesn't get boring and their is the tinniest bit of a love triangle in there. I suggest that if you like anything about magic or con work than this is the book for you. Follow Cassel threw his journey to save someone very important to him. Now onto the next book RED CLOVE.

Teasers coming soon.